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Program 2014
August 15th – 17th 2014: Even more beautiful, more varied, even more extensive! The Program for the 7th Kulturtag Oberscheid 2014 is confirmed! Wonderful music from the genres improvised, freejazz, jazz, swing, crossover, krautrock and songwriting – 19 bands and … Weiterlesen
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Taftahüling revisited
On April 12th the old Winter-Swine was succesfully chased through the village! Accompanied by Sir James (Minor Swing) on trombone, Andrea on sax and Wolfgang on trumpet winter was given a chewing out. For all those who missed this … Weiterlesen
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Taftahüling 2014
Am Samstag, dem 12. April 2014 ist es wieder soweit: Taftahü e.V. wird den – zugegeben – etwas schlappen Winter in die verdiente Rente schicken. Wir beginnen pünktlich um 15:00 Uhr! Die (Winter-) Sau wird einmal durch das Dorf getrieben, … Weiterlesen
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Taftahüling 2014
On Saturday, April 12th 2014 Taftahü e.V. again will cast out winter. We’ll start at 15:00 pm: Bloody ‘winter’ will be carried through the village in a small procession to be handed over to the flames. The perfomance will be accompanied … Weiterlesen
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Vereinssitzung am Samstag 22.02.2014 ab 15:00
Am 22.02 ab 15:00 halten wir unsere Vereinssitzung ab. Es gibt jede Menge zu besprechen. Die Liste der Themen kann und soll gerne ergänzt werden. – Organisation Taftahüling – Kultursommer RLP -Finanzierung -Vereinsheim -Technik – gebuchte Künstler/Musiker Bitte bringt alle … Weiterlesen
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Termin für den 7. Kulturtag
Der 7. Kulturtag Oberscheid wird vom 15.-17. August stattfinden. Also, Urlaub nehmen. letztes update 3/12/13
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Hurray: Minor Swing!
Long awaited and finally in full length online: The Dortmund based quintet Minor Swing, who dispelled our hangovers with a soft brainmassage of swing and gypsy jazz. Now available on Flashback 2013! letztes update 29/04/14
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Ride Lonesome is online
Glad tidings for all (covert) cowboys and indians: After Remco Reed the second Western-act with Ride Lonesome is online. The word goming around in our Flensburg based video-editorial-staff is that there wll be the concert of Minor Swing available in … Weiterlesen
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And finally: Dance your egg!
For all of you, who’ve been drumming edgy with their fingers on the table and rocking nervously in their chairs: The furious final of the 6th Kulturtag 2013 is online at last! Ingeniously introduced with the completely bananas song ‘Ich … Weiterlesen
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Secret of polish ‘Apple Pie’ revealed!
Our polish friends and fans have brought something special to the Kulturtag this year, called ‘Apple Pie’ (polish ‘jabłecznik‘ or ‘szarlotka‘): However, it is not something eatable (as one could guess), but a cocktail. And it would not be a … Weiterlesen
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