The 6th Kulturtag is over! Let’s go for number 7!

Dear friends, artists, musicians, fans, supporters, backers and guests!

Thank you, thank all participants for a wonderful 6th Kulturtag! Without you this great festival couldn’t be realised. We look back on three days full of art, music, performances and film which will stay long in our memory.

The sheer enormity of impressions makes it difficult to draw any conclusions shortly after the festival that appreciates all participants – wether film, music, art, painting, sculpture, reading or performance – sufficiently. Therefore in short: You’ve been absolutely fantastic!

At this point we like to dignify Rolf Schwechheimer, who provided this wonderful space of art: The Old Telegraph Office of Oberscheid.

Rolf, without you all this would have been impossible. Thank you for your dedication and passion with the realization of this unique project!

DSC03065As soon as we have evaluated the wealth of material we will present it here as soon as possible. Stay tuned and look forward to awesome fotos and footage which documented this terrific party.

And of course we will have again a CD compilation of all these great bands and musicians of who excited us so much this year. As soon as our sound wizard Miralem ‘Miki’ Muhovic has finished the engineering  job, we’ll immediately start with the production of the next Kulturtag compilation. Pre-order now!

By the way, there is still a very small amount of the last years compilation left. Limited edition of 50 copies, every double-CD is a unique piece of art signed by Rolf Schwechheimer. Including shipping just 15 Euro and Pflegestufe, Passierzettel, Harter Kanten Graubrot, Martin Yelswel, Scott & Katen, Mushroom Brothers, Cassiel Au Ciel and the Oberscheid Allstars will make your ears ring. If you like to secure your rights on one of the last copies send us a mail over our contact form.

Enough said, we are looking forward to see you all at the 7th Kulturtag 2014!

Now we’ll need a shower and a long and extensive sleep!

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